Camera-ready Submission (Confy)

Final Manuscripts Submission in Confy (EAI camera-ready system)


For the whole process of registration and uploading the final version of your paper please use the same e-mail account that you used for the initial submission in Easychair system.

Before upload: Register for the conference

In order to be able to upload the Camera-Ready version of your paper, please finalize the registration. Follow the instructions in section REGISTRATION.


Please submit the camera-ready version of your paper in Confy system using the following links:

Regular Papers: here

Short Papers: here

Camera-ready deadline: 20th July 2018

Important Note 1:

  • If you do not have a Confy account, you need to create one with the email address that you used for the initial submission. Afterwards, you will be able to submit your camera-ready paper.

Important Note 2:

  • If you need to make any further modifications to your Camera-Ready, you may do so until the Camera-Ready deadline.

Important note 3:

  • For an efficient process, we recommend that the payment is done using the credit card. If you choose the bank transfer option, please be informed that you will not be able to upload the Camera-Ready until the payment is processed and validated by the bank.